gay porn

Cock sucking story and pictures

I have to tell you what happened to me..I decided to go to the supermarket this morning to load up on groceries.Now I have to admit I absolutely detest shopping for groceries especially when the supermarkets are flooded with people!Anyway,I reached over to grab an item from the back of a shelf and suddenly I heard a voice say,"here,let me help you with that".It was the deepest,most soothing voice I have ever heard!Anyway,I stepped aside and he grabbed the item for me.We chatted for a while and as we were about to say goodbye,I asked him have you ever had your cock sucked dry?? I couldnt believe I had just said that and neither could he but he quickly recovered from his shock and said "no,would you like to suck my cock.I couldnt believe my luck.We exchanged numbers and let's just say a venue has been set and its going to be have to come back here because I am going to update you on how it all went!

In the meantime....Wanna know where you can see some cock sucking action??

Ebony picture of the day

Twink of the day

Stud of the day

Now go out and be gay....